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6月12日,深圳边检总站西九龙边检站联合深圳广电公益基金赴广西三江侗族自治县同乐苗族乡良冲村开展“警企民‘三’联‘侗’ ‘江’与海情相依”集中帮扶活动。 此次活动由西九龙边检站牵头,深圳广电集团体育健康频道、深圳市企业联合会、深圳市企业家协会、深圳市一天口腔医院和香港梅州商会等单位联合开展。 ……
2024.3.20, Dean You Qinbo, Li Yansheng, Yuan Wan and Chen Xiaolin of our hospital, on behalf of Shenzhen One Day Dental Clinic, were invited to attend the award……
In order to help Shenzhen build an excellent healthy city, create a healthy China "Shenzhen model", and improve the health awareness of employees in the majority of enterprises. On March 14, the "Whole Body Health, Starting from Teeth"
7 月 26 日上午,由深圳市企业联合会、深圳市企业家协会(以下简称深圳企联),深圳广电集团、罗湖区退役军人事务局联合主办,深圳广电集团体育健康频道、罗湖区退役军人服务中心、罗湖区黄贝街道办事处、罗湖区清水河街道办事处承办,“真爱笑”公益计划口腔专家团队提供医疗技术支持,益行鹏城“真爱笑”公益计划——心系老兵•健康行暨……
为助力深圳建成优秀健康城市、打造健康中国“深圳样板”,提高广大企业职工健康意识。10月24日,由深圳市企业联合会、市企业家协会(简称深圳企联),与深圳广电集团全民健康公益基金联合主办的“真爱笑计划·益企在行动”系列活动正式首发。 首场活动走进了深圳企联,特别邀请了深圳企联会员单位——深圳一天口腔的知名专家游勤波院……
为帮助大家更好地了解口腔健康知识、提高口腔卫生及防护意识;5月26日“真爱笑公益计划”走进润世华,集团携手深圳市企业联合会、深圳市企业家协会、深圳广电集团等,共同邀请权威口腔专家为大家带来“健康口腔一天行动”专题讲座及现场公益口腔检查活动。 当天,活动邀请到深圳一天口腔联合创始人陈文龙院长作为主讲嘉宾,为与会员工……
To help Shenzhen build a first-class healthy city, create a model of a healthy China, and enhance the health awareness of employees in enterprises. On October 24th, the "True Love Laughter Plan · Benefiting Enterprises in Action" series of activities jointly organized by Shenzhen Enterprise Federation,……
In order to help Shenzhen build a first-class healthy city, create a model of a healthy China, and enhance the health awareness of enterprise employees, on October 24th, the Shenzhen Enterprise Federation, the Shenzhen Entrepreneur Association (referred to as the Shenzhen Enterprise Federation), and the Shenzhen Radio ……
On the afternoon of November 18th, the Shenzhen Enterprise Federation, Shenzhen Entrepreneur Association (referred to as Shenzhen Enterprise Federation), Shenzhen Radio and Television Group Sports and Health Channel, in collaboration with well-known dental medical institutions in Shenzhen, held the launch ceremony of t……
On the afternoon of November 18th, the Shenzhen Enterprise Federation, Shenzhen Entrepreneur Association (referred to as Shenzhen Enterprise Federation), Shenzhen Radio and Television Group Sports and Health Channel, in collaboration with well-known dental medical institutions in Shenzhen, held the launch ceremony of t……